

Saturday 29 November 2014

Pre-implementation activities towards preparedness
of Branch Post Office for Rural ICT implementation:-
 I.        The BO should have table to place the Handheld Device and for charging the device.

 II.        The electrical power connection is required to charge the Solar UPS wherever power is available. In the locations where electrical power is not available, the UPS will be charged from Solar Panel.

  III.        The locations where electrical power connection is there, it should have proper earthing and with one or two plug points along with on/off switch.

   IV.        The above site preparation is to be done before the roll out starts for the particular Division.

    V.        The data on BO such as the name of the BPM, contact details, address of the BO with land marks etc. may be updated and kept ready.

   VI.        The availability of the network connectivity (Vodafone/ BSNL / Airtel etc.)at the BO location may also accessed and the best signal available in the BO may be identified and kept in order to facilitate the Vendor with details to drive best out of the project. If the network signal is not available, we have to identify as Off-line BO.

 VII.        Similarly identification of the BOs where the solar UPS is not required due to installation problems of the solar panel or good power availability for more than 6 hours daily, has to be also done.  

To view the format for collection of desired information in respect of Branch Post Offices please Click Here.

The complete information in respect of all BOs is to be uploaded to the specific webpage domain name (to be circulated shortly) on the India Post website by 30-12-2014.

Source : Department of Posts (RB Division) Letter No.01-07/2014-RB dated 27-11-2014. 

Saturday 22 November 2014

Be careful about the wolfs coming under the disguise of goats.

Be careful about the wolfs coming under the disguise of goats.

Beware of paper and website Tigers

We have a doubt that the PJCA (NFPE-FNPO) leaders are suffering from Algiers disease unfortunately they forgot the past history due to this chronic disease. We are nothing to do except express our pity and wishing them speedy recovery. But the GDS who are being continuously cheated and diverted by these great great leaders did not forget past history.

The so called leaders are roaring in papers and websites regarding indefinite strike for GDS to be included in the 7th Pay Commission. We would like to recall the past events once. The great great PJCA (NFPE-FNPO) leaders issued Indefinite strike notices four times and withdrew the strike four times on the fake assurances of the department without achieving single demand since 2004 cheating not only the GDS but also all categories of postal employees.

At the time of appointment of 6th Pay Commission, the PJCA (NFPE-FNPO) leaders demanded for inclusion of GDS in the 6th Pay Commission elsewhere. But in the indefinite strike notice issued by PJCA (NFPE-FNPO) on 09-04-2007, the inclusion demand has been vanished. They demanded judicial committee for GDS in the indefinite strike notice. They deffered the indefinite strike again on fake assurances of the Department. The only achievement is that they got recognition without GDS. Then they felt very happy without GDS. Now they are roaring for Indefinite strike.

We are proud to say that we are the only one recognized union among the GDS fraternity in the Department of Posts. We are trying to do our best for the cause of GDS.

While you are sleeping in the dens, we are fighting for Rs. 3500/- bonus ceiling and achieved. We have conducted four days indefinite strike against the Govt. historically for inclusion of GDS in the purview of 7thCPC when you have supported the Govt. and attacked the indefinite strike with your kith and kin with false propaganda ignoring that you are the trade union leaders of sister unions.

It is open secret that the Finance Ministry and Department of expenditure refused the demand regarding inclusion of GDS in the purview of 7th CPC. Then only we demanded for judicial committee like justice Charanjit Singh Talwar Committee, which is called by so called NFPE leaders as “MAGNACARTA” to GDS. The PJCA leaders shamelessly trying to divert GDS saying that the recognized union wants one man committee and intentionally avoiding to say judicial committee.


We appeal the GDS who are under arrest in the iron hands of so called leaders coming out and join in the main stream to build united struggle for the cause of GDS under the banner of AIGDSU.

Saturday 8 November 2014

The Chief Postmaster General, Andhra Pradesh is pleased to sanction Rs.5000/- from the GDSCWF scheme (vide provisions laid down in the scheme) to the affected GDS in Visakhapatnam Region of A.P Circle in connection with recent Hudhud cyclone.

Our Union is sincerely thanking for the timely action of the Circle Administration, A.P Circle.

Saturday 1 November 2014

Latest News on Pay Commission

Finance Ministry returned file to Department and inclined to form SEPRATE COMMITTEE for GDS.

Meeting with Member (P)
On 29 and 30th October, 2014 meeting was held with Member (P) along with DDG(Establishment).  From Union side Com. S.S. Mahadevaiah, General Secretary, Com. Lakhwinder Pal Singh, Treasurer and Com. Rambir Singh, Circle Secretary Delhi attended.

We requested the Department to Honour the agreement that was reached between the department and this union on 21st February, 2014. Our union further requested to ensure appointment of ONE MAN COMMITTEE under a retired Judge of a High Court/Supreme Court for obvious reasons

Memorandum to Hon’ble MOC &IT,

Tele-Fax: 23697701
(Central Head Quarter)
First Floor, Post Office Building, Padamnagar, Delhi 110007

President:                        M. Rajangam
General Secretary:         S.S. Mahadevaiah
 No. GDS/CHQ/63/1/2014            Dated: 31-10-2014


Shri. Ravishankar Prasad,
Hon’ble Minister for Communications & IT,
Government of India,
Sanchar Bhavan,
New Delhi –110001

Subject;-   Examination of service conditions and wage-structure of Gramin Dak Sevak employees-appointment of judicial Committee as per the Agreement signed between the Department and AIGDSU, the recognized union

Respected Sir,

You will kindly agree that the Gramin Dak Sevaks (formerly known as E.D. agents), the most exploited and discriminated employees are the humble servants of rural population with regard to provision and maintenance of Postal services. The Supreme Court has declared that these employees are the holders of Civil Post. The Fourth Central Pay Commission agreed that in view of this judgment, the E.D. employees were covered under the purview of terms of reference of the Commission.

The Department of Posts realised the position and made a conscious decision, by appointing a one man-judicial Committee to examine the issue under Justice Charanjit Talwar, a retired judge of Delhi High Court after appointment of the Fifth Pay Commission. Justice Talwar Committee made several landmark recommendations to improve the service conditions of Gramin Dak Sevaks.

We as the only recognised representatives of the Gramin Dak Sevaks, we demand for appointment a one man committee under a retired Judge of a High Court/Supreme Court. We may add that this is in accordance with the terms of the agreement that was signed between the department and this union during 2014 February indefinite strike on 21st February, 2014. We are submitting herewith a copy of the agreement also for your ready reference.

We on behalf of 2.65 Lakh of Gramin Dak Sevaks, humble servants of rural population urge upon you to intervene and utilise your good offices to ensure appointment of a one man committee under a retired Judge of a High Court/Supreme Court to honour the strike agreement.

If the Department of Post insists on its arbitrary action as done in the previous occasion, then we would be compelled to resort to instant Trade union action including indefinite or Till settlement STRIKE.

With profound regards,
Yours faithfully,

S.S. Mahadevaiah, 

General Secretary  

Meeting with Sri Ravishankar Prasad, Union Mininster for Communications & IT

Meeting with Sri Ravishankar Prasad, Union Mininster for Communications & IT on 31-10-2013 at 10:00 A.M. in the residence of Hon’ble Minister, 21 Mather Treassa , South Delhi.

                Com. S.S. Mahadevaiah, General Secretary, and Com. Lakhwinder Pal Singh, Treasurer (CHQ) and Circle Secretary, Punjab Circle, met Hon’ble Union Minister for Communication & IT, Shri Ravishankar Prasad at 10:00 A.M. in the residence of Minister 21 Mother Treassa Road , South Delhi and submitted detailed memorandum and requested to ensure appointment of a one man committee under a retired Judge of a High Court/Supreme Court to honour the strike agreement.