

Thursday 10 December 2015

Clarifications on settlement of severance amount to all discharged/promoted/resigned / voluntarily retired and expired GDS - Reg.

Office of the General Manager, Postal Accounts & Finance
Tamilnadu Circle, Chennai-600 008

No.                  /SDBS/Genl.                                                                            Dt.7.12.2015

The Senior Supdt./Supdt. Of Post offices, RMS & Airmail sorting Divisions,
Tamilnadu circle

Sub: Clarifications  on settlement of severance amount to all discharged/promoted/resigned / voluntarily retired and expired GDS-Reg.

Ref  : This office letter  No.3527 to 3576/SDBS/Genl.   Dt.26.11.2015

Following this office letter referred to above, some of the Divisions have raised doubts on some of the  key issues over phone . In order to clear some more doubts that may  arise in settlement  of  severance amount to all exit cases in  SDBS ,the following clarifications are issued for the guidance of  all Divisional Heads and  DDOs.

Doubts raised


Divisions have to issue sanctions for settlement of severance amount accrued against the discharged/ promoted/ resigned/voluntarily retired/ expired GDS and instruct the DDOs to draw NIL bills.  

How the amount is proposed to be paid to the concerned GDS?
a)    On submission of Nil bills by the DDOs for severance amount,the amount shall be uploaded into the CRA system against PRANs of respective  GDS.

b)    The funds for such uploads shall be remitted to the Trustee bank by this office as being followed in monthly contribution uploads.

c)    All claim forms submitted (in Form-501,502 and 503 ) along with the KYC documents by  the GDS through the NL-CCs shall be forwarded to the NSDL  for further processing.

d)    On getting the approval from the NPS trust, the Trustee bank shall transfer the entitled amount to the subscriber’s bank accounts after apportioning the amount for investments in annuities as per the rules extant.

Hence ,No direct cash payment should be made by the DDOs under any circumstance


How the sanctions proposed to be issued by the Divisions should be?
Sanctions proposed to be issued by the Divisional Heads for settlement of severance for SDBS subscribers  is unique in way that while  all other payments sanctions would normally read as                 “ sanction is accorded  for the payment of …………”  followed with cash payments  where as the proposed sanction for severance amount  shall read as “ sanction is accorded  for  drawal of  Nil  bill for the following GDS …………” and  does not involve any  cash payment by the DDO.

In addition, the proposed sanction for settlement of severance amount for GDS enrolled under SDBS  would have an explicit alert to the DDOs as “No cash payment should be made from this sanction” besides stating that  “No severance amount has been authorised /paid for those GDS so far”  to whom the sanction is being issued.

For settling the severance amount as per severance amount, sanctions are being issued by the Divisions quoting the relevant ruling provisions.

What ruling provisions have to be quoted in the proposed sanctions for settlement of severance amount to the GDS enrolled under SDBS on their exit?
All decisions on SDBS are  arrived only on the basis of the Directorate orders No.6-11/ 2009-PE.II  dated 1.4.2011.

Severance amount accrued  upto 31.3.2011 for the GDS enrolled under SDBS who were subsequently promoted should be settled as per Para- 5  of the Directorate orders ibid while the same has to be settled to all other exit cases as per Para-27  (b)  of the Directorate orders ibid .

Is it enough to submit severance amount calculation sheets only for those GDS whose claim papers have already been sent to the GM’s office?
Severance amount calculation sheets should be submitted for all  exit cases as two lists one for those exit cases from 1.4.2011 to 30.11.2015 and another list for  those GDS who are going to be discharged from 1.12.2015 to 31.3.2016  without any linkage to the submission of claim forms by the GDS .

Hence all Divisional Heads should issue sanctions for all exit cases without waiting for the submission of claim forms by the GDS.

It was instructed to issue sanctions and prepare Nil bills 3 months in advance before the actual discharge of the GDS. Does this 3 months mean
 3 calendar months or 3 months before the actual date of discharge
It may be reckoned as 3 months before the actual date of discharge.

Since the CRA system does not accept any upload after the date of discharge of the GDS, the Directorate has arranged for one time acceptance of severance uploads against all past discharged GDS besides instructing to stop drawal  and upload of contributions for the last three months preceding the date of discharge, the Divisional Heads are advised to initiate the proceedings to issue sanctions much before that so as the DDOs draw Nil bill and submit to this office 3 months in advance before the date of discharge of the GDS.

The modalities for the payment of the amount equivalent to the  Govt. contributions  for the last 3 months preceding the date of discharge shall be  intimated on receipt of further orders from the Directorate in this regard.

 Are the promoted/Resigned/ voluntarily retired/nominees of expired GDS who have completed only 10 years of service or less eligible for severance amount?

As per para- 3 (a) (iv) (1) and (iv) (2)  of  the Directorate orders No.6-11/ 2009-PE.II  dated 1.4.2011,severance amount  has to be calculated  for every completed year and month from the date of commencement of continuous of regular engagement till the time of enrolment under SDBS that is upto 31.3.2011 or 30.9.2013 depending upon the date of enrolment of the GDS under SDBS.

The minimum/ maximum ceiling limit of time/ amount applicable for the severance amount scheme cannot be extended for SDBS.

Hence all GDS enrolled under  SDBS who have been promoted/resigned/voluntarily retired/expired after 1.4.2011 are entitled for severance amount in proportion to the completed period of service  as per the extant orders.


How to calculate the severance amount from 1.4.2011 onwards?
It may be noted that SDBS is a replacement scheme for the existing severance amount scheme and drawal and upload of monthly Govt .contributions is equivalent to the payment of severance amount to the GDS on a month to month basis.

All GDS who have been regularly appointed and enrolled under SDBS on 1.4.2011( on completion 1 year of regular service ) are eligible for severance amount upto 31.3.2011 only.

Those GDS who were regularly appointed  before 1.1.2011 ,who have not opted for enrolment  on 1.4.2011 but opted later for enrolment from 1.10.2013 under  SDBS following one more opportunity  given  by the  Department  are eligible for severance amount upto  30.9.2013 only.

Those GDS who were regularly appointed  on or  after 1.1.2011 are not eligible for any severance amount.

Whether the names of those GDS who are put-off duty now can be included in the severance amount calculation sheets in case their date of discharge is nearing in three months ?
Yes, the names of those GDS who are put-off duty now can be included in the severance amount calculation sheets  in case their date of discharge is nearing in three months .

In case an administrative decision is taken to remove such GDS, the entire accumulations in SDBS PRAs including severance amount can be refunded into the Govt. account.

Action may be taken to speed up the administrative decision on such pending put-off duty cases under intimation to this office.


Are the removed GDS   eligible for any severance amount?  and can the names of such removed GDS also be included in the sanction ?
NoThe removed GDS are not eligible for any severance amount. The names of such removed GDS should not be included in the sanction.

The list of removed GDS has been called for by this office so as to deactivate their PRANs after getting the refund of entire accumulations in their SDBS PRAs .
                                                                                             Senior Accounts Officer

No.                  /SDBS/Genl.                                                                Dt. 7.12.2015

Copy to
1.    The  Chief Postmasters/Senior Postmasters/Postmasters and Head Record officers ,Tamilnadu circle for information and guidance.
2.    The Senior Accounts Officer (Budget) O/O The Chief Postmaster Postmaster General , Tamilnadu circle,Chennai-600 002 .
3.    The Senior Accounts Officers, O/O Postmasters General ,Chennai City,Central,Southern and Western Regions for information.
                                                                                                    Senior Accounts Officer

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Nov 24, 2015

Governement sets up " one man committee "  to review 

pay structure of GDS

The government has formed a committee to review pay structure and social security benefits provided to 'gramin dak sevaks'.The one-man committee will review and suggest changes in existing wage structures, facilities and other social security benefits provided to 'gramin dak sevaks' (GDS), according to a notification by the Communications and IT Ministry.Gramin dak sevaks are extra-departmental agents recruited by the postal department to serve in rural areas.They have been demanding pay and facilities at par with regular departmental employees.

"The question of examining the conditions of service and emoluments and other facilities available to the Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) has been under the consideration of the Government of India for some time.The Government has now decided to set up a one-man committee for the purpose," the notification dated November 19 said.The Committee headed by Retired Member of the Postal Services Board Kamlesh Chandra will go into the service conditions of Gramin Dak Sevaks and suggest changes as considered necessary, it said.
All India GDS Union last week had demanded that the panel should be formed under retired Supreme Court or High Court judge and not under chairmanship of a retired officer.In the letter to Secretary, Department of Posts, the union said that it will go on one-day hunger strike on November 27 at divisional offices, at circle offices on December 4 and in New Delhi on December 10 if the demand is not met.The committee will examine the system of branch post offices, employment conditions and the existing structure of wage and emoluments paid to GDS and recommend necessary changes. 

It will also "examine and suggest any changes in the method of recruitment, minimum qualification for appointment as Gramin Dak Sevaks and their conduct and disciplinary rules, particularly keeping in view the proposed induction of technology in the Rural Post Offices", the notification said.The Committee will function for a period of one year.

Friday 30 October 2015


Tele-Fax: 23697701
(Central Head Quarter)
First Floor, Post Office Building, Padamnagar, Delhi 110007
President:                       M. Rajangam
General Secretary           S.S. Mahadevaiah
Letter No. GDS/74 /01/2015                                       Dated: 26/10/2015

Shri. Ravishankar Prasad,
Hon’ble Minister for Communications & IT,
Government of India,
Sanchar Bhavan,
New Delhi-110001

Subject:-  Extension of helping hand for Justice to above Two Lac Sixty Thousand  Gramin Dak Sevak Employees of the Department of Posts-request for.

Respected Sir,

We on behalf of above more than Two Lac Sixty Thousand (2,60,000) Gramin Dak Sevaks of the Department of Posts, respectfully seek your indulgence in extending your helping hand to such lower starta of employees who serve the rural population throughout the Country. As a matter of principle, the issues of pay scale and service conditions of the Gramin Dak Sevaks who were earlier known as E.D. Agents are referred to the Central Pay Commission (as was done with the first CPC) or simultaneously pay committee are constituted. The Seventh CPC was appointed in the year March, 2014 but Pay Committee or Pay Commission for Gramin Dak Sevaks has not yet been appointed which is due to be appointed under the loue Chairman cum member under a retired Judge of High Court, as per commitment.

The Department signed a solemn agreement with this union on 21/02/2014 to appoint an one man committee for the Gramin Dak Sevaks in case our issues were not included in the terms of reference of 7th CPC. A copy of the agreement is attached for your ready reference.
 The appointment of the one man committee under the Chairmanship of a retired Judge was being delayed or denied forcing us to agitate. The Department signed a tripartite agreement under the signature of an officer of the Department; Chief Labour Commissioner and the representatives of this union to appoint a Pay Committee in consultation with this union. A copy of the agreement is enclosed for your reference, Sir.

We have already given our suggestion on 24/04/2015, but the department has not moved. Probably they want us to tire out. The report of the CPC is expected to come out any time now while is our case the Pay Committee has not even been constituted you may kindly agree that there cannot be any greater injustice.

Hence this union is requesting the Hon’ble Ministers kind intervention to settle the three issues by utilizing your good offices.

With kind regards,
Yours faithfully,

(S.S. Mahadevaiah)
General Secretary

Finance Minister clear GDS Committee File.

We learned that GDS Committee file returned finance Ministry. Next week Department is going to form a headed officers committee. Details will come soon. Thereafter CHQ will finalize the programme of action.

Friday 23 October 2015


                                Postman Examination Model Question papers are available in the below given link. Using the below link user can download the model questions and practice before going to examination.



Tuesday 6 October 2015


Friday 2 October 2015

A view of Divisional conference  at Kakinada on 02-10-2015

               Speech delivered by com. B.V.Rao DY, General Secretary(CHQ)

 Speech delivered by com. G V K G Ramaiah    President R.C Puram Branch

                                                     Attended GDS Employees

Monday 28 September 2015

DoP seek Cabinet nod to set up Payments Bank

          The Department of Posts (DoP) is expected to seek Cabinet nod within two months for raising Rs.292 crore from public investment board to set-up Payments Bank, for which it has already got the RBI approval.
“We expect the fund to be cleared in two months,” an official source told PTI.
Payments bank licence will allow companies to collect deposits (initially up to Rs.1 lakh per individual), offer Internet banking, facilitate money transfers and sell insurance and mutual funds.
Besides, they can issue ATM or debit cards, but not credit cards. The Department expects revenue of over Rs.550 crore from PBI in first 5 years. The postal department had earlier tried for Rs.632 crore fund approval from government for full fledged banking services but it was not cleared by PIB.
Government has in-principle agreed to the entry of Postal Department in banking service through payments bank route.
“The DoP expects to roll out Payment Bank services by March 2017. There are no major infrastructure issue with the department. Only there is need to set up a data centre and disaster recovery centre which will be done soon,” the official said.
The Postal department computerised about 25,000 of its departmental post offices but rural post offices will be provided handheld devices for digitalising records.
The Department is in final stages of appointing a consultant that will guide it in setting up payment banks.
The Payments Bank entity is proposed to have its own employees and IT infrastructure. — PTI
The DoP expects to roll out Payment Bank services by March 2017. There are no major infrastructure issue with the department

Swachh Bharat Mission - Programme in Post offices

The Secretary (Posts) has instructed all Circle Heads to take immediate action under the Swachh Bharat Mission as per the following program detailed below:

25th to 27th Sept 2015 - Special cleanliness drive for all Departmental Post Office and administrative office buildings.

28th to 30th September 2015 - Special cleanliness drive for all Departmental Post Office and administrative office campuses.

1st to 5th October 2015 - Special cleanliness drive for all Branch Post Offices.

6th to 10th October 2015 - Weeding out of old record, unserviceable items as well as carrying out minor maintenance of departmental buildings.

11th October 2015 - Special cleanliness drive organized by all Postal employees and officers to clean public places in the immediate vicinity of Post Offices; attempt should be made to involve local self Government bodies and district administration

It has also been instructed to complete the programmes in true letter and spirit and to send high resolution photos in soft copy to the Directorate for each and every programme.