

Friday 29 March 2019

Opening of all operative POs on 31-03-19 & Administrative offices including CO on 30-03-19 (Saturday) & 31-03-19 (Sunday) 

Revision of Interest rates for Small Savings Scheme from 01.04.2019 to 30.06.2019  shall remain unchanged

Payment of Dearness Allowance to GDS effective from 01-01-2019 onwards ..... @ 3% Total 12%

Mar 27, 20190 comments

Monday 25 March 2019

GDS Conduct & Engagement Rules, 2011 : Rule 3A (iii) – Overview

Mar 25, 20190 comments

Rule : A Sevak shall have to give an undertaking that he has other sources of income besides the allowances paid or to be paid by the Government for adequate means of livelihood for himself and his family.

GDS engagement rule 2011 Committee views :

The Committee also found out during the visit to Circles that this condition is not being implemented in letter and spirit and merely exists on paper in most of the cases.
  • This conditon exists in paper only.
  • The declarations given by GDS were mostly not correct.
  • No action has been taken by the Dept.for submitting incorrect declarations.
  • How alternative means of livelihood is available to GDSs who come to work from outside the post village due to changed residence condition ?
  • The employeers who hire labours for different works in the rural areas ,will not hire GDSs for 2-3 hours in a day after working hours of GDS Post Office.
  • A large percentage of GDSs are now solely dependent upon the wages which they receive from the Department.
Finally, the Committee feels that this condition needs to be changed appropriately which suits the requirements of the Department as well as GDSs.

Department View :

  • After examining all these issues, Directorate dont want to made any changes in this rule and hence they are in the view that ” the maximum working hours is restricted to 5 hours according to Rule 3A(i) , there is no logic seen in taking away this condition.

NUGDS(FNPO) stand :

  • Both these rules i.e, 3A(i) & 3A(iii) are interlinked
  • We submitted and proved before Kamalesh Chandra Committee and Directorate that ” majority of GDS were performed their duties beyond 5 hours with the standards of workload norms assigned by DoP & upto 10 to 15 hours by including MGNREGS and Social Security Pensions.Hence, requested the DoP to provide 8 hour duty to all GDS.
If 8 hours duty provided to GDS by DoP, there is no need to take declarations from GDS for other sources of income.
It is evidently proved by the GDS Pay Committee Report , that” this rule exists in paper only”.

Conclusion :

There fore, we ask, request and demand the abolition of GDS Conduct & Engagement Rules,2011 for better livelihood of India Post.

Fixation of TRCA level 1 on Engaging substitute for the Post of GDS

The following Minimum TRCA shall be payable to the different categories of GDS posts as mentioned in Directorate Order No 17 -31/2016- GDS dated 25.06.2018. Here is the Revised Eligibility Criteria For Engagement To Gramin Dak Sevaks

Read previous Revised Eligibility Criteria For Engagement To Gramin Dak Sevaks released on 08.03.2019

Revised Eligibility Criteria For Engagement To Gramin Dak Sevaks

Gramin Dak Sevak is not an Employee – Supreme Court

“The Post & Telegraphs Department would be an establishment under the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972.”CIVIL APPEAL NO. 3151 OF 2019

Gramin Dak Sevak is not an “Employee” – Supreme Court
The Supreme Court has held that a Gramin Dak Sewak is not an “employee” under the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972.

The bench comprising Justice Uday Umesh Lalit and Justice Indu Malhotra in Sr. Superintendent of Post Offices vs. Gursewak Singh observed that Gramin Dak Sewaks are engaged as Extra Departmental Agents, a post governed byGDS Conduct & Engagement Rule 2011 Rules, which have a separate provision for payment of Gratuity to the Gramin Dak Sevak (Extra Departmental Agents).
The bench also noted that Section 2(e) of the Gratuity Act excludes persons who hold a post with the Central or State Government and are governed by any other Act or rules providing for payment of gratuity.
However, the bench held that the Post & Telegraphs Department would be an establishment under the Payment of Gratuity Act.
The court also noted that the persons working as Gramin Dak Sevaks are not regular departmental employees but an “extra-departmental agents”, who work on a part-time basis for a few hours every day; and, have an independent source of livelihood. They are permitted to work up to the age of 65 years, it was observed.
Another issue in the case was whether a Gramin Dak Sevak is eligible for payment of Gratuity upon voluntary resignation under the 2011 Rules? Taking note of Rule 6(13) which states that no Gratuity is payable if an Extra-Departmental Agent quits the agency on his own, the bench answered the issue in negative.

Source : Download Judgement Copy



Friday 22 March 2019

Non Payment of RPLI Incentive to the GDS Officials in Various Circle [Directorate PLI]

with reference to the subject cited above, All India Gramin Dak Sevaks Union (AIGDSU) had submitted that the RPLI Commission has not been paid to GDS in many circles and are pending for more than 1 year. In this connection, it is requested to kindly intimate till which period incentives have been paid to GDS in the following format and action may be taken to clear the incentive payment to GDS at the earliest.

Thursday 14 March 2019

Telangana man in Limca Book for Ramayana Stamps

Senior postal officer of Telangana V Upender   entered Limca Book of Records for his collection of rare stamps on Ramayana. Upender who is currently rendering services as Postmaster General in Madurai got the news on Wednesday after it was printed in the new edition of Limca Book of Records 2019. Upender has collected around 400 rare stamps along with the postal covers, special covers, miniature sheets, sheet-lets, souvenir sheets and rare proofs which were released by the countries on various occasions. A three-member team from Limca Records collected the details of the stamps. Of the 400 stamps, images of Sita, Rama, Lakshman, Hanuman and Ravana were also found in his collection. Upender had participated in various philatelic exhibitions organised by Telangana where he bagged several medals including a gold for his works on Ramayana. Upender said that he will soon participate in Philately exhibition on Ramayana in Sydney.
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Source :

Tuesday 5 March 2019

Benefits of IPPB Salary Account

Mar 4, 20190 comments

Sunday 3 March 2019

DoP Order on grant of revised DA (12%) from 01.01.2019.

Feb 28, 20190 comments

Saturday 2 March 2019

ALL INDIA POSTAL EMPLOYEES UNION - GDS (NFPE): Odisha : Proposal for new Postal Division RAYAGADA...

ALL INDIA POSTAL EMPLOYEES UNION - GDS (NFPE): Odisha : Proposal for new Postal Division RAYAGADA...

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan KVS Admission online 2019 strated now

Kendriya Vidyalaya sangathan KVS Admission online 2019

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (HQ)
New Delhi
Admission Notice : 2019-20

         Online Registration for Admission to Class I in Kendriya Vidyalayas for the Academic Year 2019-20 will commence at 8:00 AM on 01.03.2019 and will close at 4:00 PM on 19.03.2019. The Admission details can be obtained through website and also through mobile app.

The official Android and iOS mobile apps for KVS online admission for Class 1 for the academic year 2019- 20 and instructions for downloading and installing will available at The apps will also available at the above URL. Parents are requested to go through the instructions for using the portal a the apps carefully before using them.
Registration for Class II and above (except Class XI) will be done from 02.04.2019 at 8:00 AM to 09.04.2019 upto 4:00 PM if Vacancies exist (on offline mode) For Class XI, application forms on offline mode will be issued immediately after the declaration of Class X results as per the schedule for admission 2019-20 available on KVS website (

Reckoning of age for all Classes shall be as on 31.03.2019. Reservation of seats will be as per KVS Admission Guidelines available on the website ( For further details, parents may contact the Principal of nearby Kendriya Vidyalaya.