Head Quarter)
Floor, Post Office Building, Padamnagar, Delhi 110007
President: D. N. Giri
General Secretary: S.S. Mahadevaiah
No. GDS/CHQ/1/AIC/2014.
Dated: 15-02-2014
Under the provisions of article 25 of the Constitution
of A.I.G.D.S.U., notice is hereby given that the 8th ALL INDIA CONFERENCE OF
THIS UNION to be held at Kakathiya University Hanumakonda (Warangal) A.P.
Circle. From 8th to 10th June, 2014. The Subject Committee will be
constituted in accordance with the provisions of article 20 (a) read with
article 21 and article 22 (ii) of the constitution. All concerned are requested
to attend the All India Conference which will commence on 8-06-2014 at 11.00
hrs on time.
1. Confirmation of the proceedings
of the 7th A.I.C. held at “Gurukunj Ashram” Mozri.
2. Consideration and adoption of
Bi-ennial Report.
3. Consideration and adoption of
Audited Accounts 2011/12, 2012/13 & 2013/14.
4. Adoption of Budget Estimates for
the next session.
5. Organisational review:-
(a) Organisational position and
functioning at different levels.
(b) New Membership verification in
2015- efforts required to be made for furtherance of
membership in future.
(c) Remittance of quota to higher
bodies by Divisional/Branch Unions.
6. Government orders on 7th CPC and
our issue of Inclusion of GDS wage structure and Service Conditions in the
preview of 7th Central Pay Commission- Preparation of Memorandum and Further
course of action.
7. Review of the Indefinite Strikes
17/12/2012 and 18/02/2014 strikes called off by AIGDSU and response of zthe
Circles/Branches and Necessary decisions- Bonus ceiling/ Circle Welfare found,
RSYB, SDBS Scheme and other issues.
8. Regularization of GDS employees
Grant Civil Servants Status to Gramin Dak Sevaks and assure all benefits
enjoyed by departmental staff further course of action.
9. (i) Promotion, Recruitment rules
of Postman, MTS & PAs/SAs/MACP.
(ii) HRA/Transport allowance and
related issues
(iii) Child Education allowance,
Grade Pay, Percentage increment ect.
10.(i) NREG,RPLI and new schemes –
incentive schemes as a means of exploitation – our response there to need to
workload/ Time factor.
(ii) Harassment of GDS employees.
(iii) Provide cent percent compassionate appointments to the wards of deceased
GDS employees.
11. Supreme Court Judgment on
Gratuity to Gramin Dak Sevaks and further action there on.
12. Grant Trade Union Facilities to
GDS Union.
13. Attacks on Postal services and
GDS employees:-
(a) Redeployment and its effects/
Abolition of EDSO/Gramin Dak Sevaks stamp venders & GDS
14. 12th Five Year plan proposal of
Computerization of GDS Branch Offices and shifting B.Os to Panchayat Building
and Govt. proposal to open new BOs etc.
15. Union building – Purchase of
Site in Delhi and appoint sub committees at Circle/Co-ordination committee at
CHQ level Steps required thereafter.
16. Amendment to the constitution;
notice of which is received by CHQ at least 15 days in advance of the A.I.C.
17. Policy and programme.
18. Election of office-bearers for
the next session.
19. Appointment of Auditor.
20. Any other items with the
permission of the chair.
General Secrtary
Copy forwarded to:
(1) Com D. N. Giri, All India
President, BPM At. Sivani Rasalpur S.O.Nandgaon, Dist. Amravati Maharashtra
(2) All Circle /Divisional / Branch
Secretaries. They will please ensure that all Circle Divisional/Branch
Conferences which have become due are completed before the A.I.C.
(3) All office-bearers of the
(4) Director General, Department of
Posts, New Delhi-1. He is requested kindly to issue orders for grant of Special
Casual Leave/Special paid leave to the delegates to attend the All India
(5) Secretary, Reception Committee
at Wrangled A.P. Circle. He is requested kindly to send the details of
transport routes and other matters direct to the Circle/Divisional/Branch
unions. A copy of mailing list All Circle /Divisional / Branch unions and All
India office bearers is enclosed.
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