

Monday 16 June 2014

8th All India Biennial conference of AIGDSU at Historic place Hanumakonda/ Warangal – a grand success. AIGDSU resolved to defeat all ANTI G.D.S FORCES BY TOTAL UNITY OF G.D.S.                                                               Tele-Fax: 23697701
All India Gramin Dak Sevaks Union (AIGDSU)
First Floor, Post Office Building, Padamnagar, Delhi 110007
No.GDS/CHQ/1/5/2014                                                          Dated 15-06-2014


All Circles / Divisional/ Branch Secretaries of All India Postal Gramin Dak Sevaks Union,  All India Office Bearers….

Subject:- 8th All India Biennial conference of AIGDSU at Historic place Hanumakonda/ Warangal – a grand success. AIGDSU resolved to defeat all ANTI G.D.S FORCES BY TOTAL UNITY OF G.D.S.

8th All India Conference of AIGDSU at the holy place HANUMAKONDA, in REVOLUTIONARY TELANGANA commenced with a grand and spectacular flag hoisting ceremony on 8th June 2014 at 10:30 AM.  Com. .B.V.Rao AGS & Circle Secretary A.P. hoisted the National Flag and Com. S.S.Mahadevaiah General Secretary hoisted the AIGDSU flag.  Slogans of unity, fraternity and democracy reached sky.   
         Sri Nayini Narasimha Reddy, Hon'ble Home Minister, Telangana state, formerly Trade Union leader – leader of HMS inaugurated the conference.  While addressing the open session he extended his solidarity to the justified struggles of  AIGDSU for the cause of GDS employees. Sri D.Vinay Bhaskar MLA Warangal West, Sri Challa Dharma Reddy MLA Parkal attended and addressed the conference .After the inauguration, the subject committee meeting was started.The AIC Under the president ship of Com. M. Rajangam. Working President was held due to illness Com. D.N. Giri, not attended. Com.SS.Mahadevaiah G/S placed the notice of 8th AIC before the house for approval. The house approved the agenda in one voice and deliberated upon it.

             A grand,Colourful,  spectacular and marvelous procession was started from public Gardens, Hanumakonda and passed by the streets of Hanumakonda numbering more than 1000 GDS Comrades wearing red caps.  The procession ended at Arts college Auditorium.where the public meeting, open session, was organized.

              An open session was presided by AIRF leader Com.Yadav Reddy. Com.B.N.Singh Ex.C/S P3 read the message of Sri T.Harish Rao, Hon'ble Minister of Assembly Affairs of Telangana State. 

            Com. T.Narasimhan Working President of AITUC AP State inaugurated the open session, Com P.Suresh G/S R4, Com Srinivas HMS leader, (AIRF), Com. B.G.Tamankar Ex.President NFPE, Com. G.S.Asiwal Ex.AGS P3, Com. Om Prakash ACS P4,AP  Circle, Com.S.Appalnaidu C/S R4 AP Circle, Com.D.Janardhan president Telangana Udyogula Sangam, Com.M.Namendar Gowd C/S Casual labour & Contingent Union and Com.SS.Mahadevaiah G/S addressed the open session.

          Before the open session "PERINI SHIVA THANDAVAM" was exhibited by the local artists in excellence and delighted the audience.  Most of the circles presented cash awards to the artists in token of appreciation and to reward them. Com.B.Venkateswarulu General Secretary reception committee felicitated all the guests with mementos. 
The open session was successfully concluded with vote of Thanks of Com. B.V.Rao, Asst.General Secretary.

  On the second day of Conference that is on 09-06-2014 delegates’ session/debate continued.  All the Circle Secretaries/CHQ Office bearers and Delegates addressed the conference. Com. S.S Manjunath Ex- Circle Secretary P-3 Karnataka, Com. PT Bargey Anna, Ex. Circle President P-3 Maharashtra, Com. M. Parimal Ex. Circle President, P-3 Maharastra Circle, Com. P. Sesha Murthi Circle President A.P. and Ex. AGS AIGDSU CHQ, Com. Bipen Muzumdhar EX. AGS CHQ attended and addressed the session. The delegates and leaders expressed their concern over the disruptive forces in the way of achieving total unity among the GDS.  The sincere struggles of the only recognized AIPEDEU/AIGDSU cannot go waste as we are gaining strength day by day and learning more to be self-reliant.  All have stressed the need to continue the struggles against Government’s anti-Postal workers policies.  Overwhelming number of delegates supported the conduct of Conference and disruptors isolated.

          On the third day i.e. 10-06-2014, Shri Devan, Kerala P- 4 Leader and Shri Mohan Chandra P-3 Leader Kerala circle attended and addressed the August house. Reception Committee General Secretary gave away mementos to the guests and other prominent personalities present in the conference. Finally Com. S.S. Mahadevaiah, General Secretary delivered an inspiring speech by giving suitable replies to the baseless and motivated allegations of anti GDS forces. He explained in detail how vested interests had been working against AIGDSU in most unconstitutional and illegal manner and he urged all to neglect baseless and false propagandas as time is too short and we have much to achieve for the GDS. His speech was welcomed by delegates with thunderous applause. He called it most unfortunate that unionism has stooped to that level of circulation in the journals when the attacks on all postal community are mounting day by day.   Com Mahadevaiah clarified/answered/cleared the queries of the delegates especially in respect of anti propaganda with details, point by point in his concluding speech. He appealed for TOTAL GDS unity. The house unanimously adopted the resolution condemning the false propaganda of ANTI GDS FORCES against the General Secretary and AIGDSU.

        Thus, all the agenda items of the conference were completed by the conference with due approval of the delegates of the conference.

                 The 8th India conference in session at Hanumakonda,Warrangal in AP discussed at length various burnings issues concerning GDS and therefore urged unanimously for immediate settlement/improvement of the following demands.  The General Secretary com. S.S.Mahadevaiah proposed the following resolutions in the house for acceptance. The house adopted all the resolutions unanimously.
1.                   Grant of Departmental status to Gramin Dak Sevaks, Contributory SDBS Scheme and Medical coverage.
2.                    Scrap GDS (conduct & engagement) rules 2011 which is illegal and atrocious and hence totally unacceptable.  Replace the same with democratic principles and guidelines on labour laws.
3.                    Group insurance at par with regular employees at least a minimum Rs. 30,0000/.
4.                    Enhancement of OMA(Office maintenance allowance cum rent) from Rs. 100 to Rs. 1000 per month.
5.                   Three promotions to all GDS on completion of 10th, 20th, 30th year of their services shall be granted.  Stop direct recruitment to MTS/Postmen/Mailguard till regularization of GDS
6.                   C.L., E.L., etc. like the departmental employees should be given to the GDS.
7.                   The period of GDS service should be counted for pension and gratuity to those promoted to the higher cadre viz.,MTS/Postman/PA etc.
8.                   The date of superannuation of GDS should be the last working day of the month of retirement.
9.                   Gratuity should be as per Gratuity Act 1972 for GDS also.
10.                 Idle wait provision to GDSMP/GDSMC: Owing to the peculiar nature of duties of GDS packer and   GDSMC, they are kept idle for sometime in the course of their routine duties OR engaged in duties not taken for their workload. The provision of idlewait given earlier should be restored for rational fixation of their TRCA.
11.                 Relaxation of age and percentage of marks to appear for P.A. examination. The present age limit may be changed from 30 to 40 years for OBC/SC/ST.
12.                 Weight age: GDS must be given weight age for the length of service rendered by 06-10 years : 1 increment 11-15 years : 2 increments ears 16-20: 3 increments 21-25 years : 4 increments.
13.                Grant of full trade union facilities to AIGDSU.
14.                 Retirement/terminal benefits on the day of retirement.
15.                Supply of stationary and furniture to B.O’s.
16.                 No loss of annual increase/increment on limited request Transfer of        GDS, liberalization of Limited Transfers.
17.                Compassionate appointment to all wards of GDS dies in harness and to revise the norms in consultation with AIGDSU.
18.                Grant of special Duty Allowance/Uttrakhand Allowance to the eligible GDS. 

Policy and Programme:
Since the very beginning we have given great importance to identifying the real issues that face the Gramin Dak Sevak Employees. To achieve our justified demands the 8th AIC is of the strong view and conviction that the following programme should be organized

1.              3rd week of July 2014 submitting Memorandum to Govt. all levels.

2.            August, 2014 conduct Divisional level “GDS JATHAS” touching each and every B.O. in the division & Divisional level massive Dharna before divisional offices.

3.            The Circle/Regional level convention in the month of August and September, 2014

4.              CHQ is also planning to conduct “GDS JATHA” from Kashmir to Kanyakumari from August, 2014 to 30th October, 2014. In the month of November, 2014 an All India Convention will be held at Rajasthan to decide future course of action to achieve our Main demand.

All our Divisional/Branch Secretaries are requested to conduct Divisional level “GDS JATHAS” touching each and every B.O. in the division. All the division/Branch office bearers will participate in the divisional level “GDS JATHAS” to alert and educate the GDS fraternity to face the false propaganda of destructive forces. In the divisional Jathas All India and Circle leaders shall participate and guide the base level GDS who are our real strength. Our main motto is unity of all the GDS in the Department in ONE FOLD.  This will facilitate in conducting broader and larger struggles for the betterment of GDS system.  Let us work together fight together and victory will knock our door. Future is ours and we are the pillars of the Dept. of posts. All India Convention at Rajasthan shall decide future course of action to achieve our Main demands. A detailed Report with dates will be supplied to all, including grass level leaders immediately after the 8th AIC.

The election of new office bearers for the next session was conducted. All the elections were unanimous and there was no contest to any post. The following office bearers were elected unanimously:-

President :              Shri M. Rajangam, BPM Kumanan Tholu B.O Kadmalai
                                 Kundu S.O. Theni Dn.(Tamil Nadu).
Working Presidents :     Shri Rajendra Prasad Singh, BPM, At; Tararh B.O.  
                                          Rohtas Division, Bihar (Bihar).
                                 :       Shri B. Venkateswarlu, BPM Garimillapalli B.O. Hanumakonda 
                                         Dn. Telangana,
Vice Presidents :             Shri. Mahendhra Pratap Singh, BPM Nadam B.O. Rewa  
                                         Division,(M.P. Circle).
                           :            Shri Datta Ram, BPM Chalola B.O. Una Division (H.P).
                           :            Shri,C.B. Mehra, BPM, Lohaghat. Pithoragh Dn. Uttarakhand, :
General Secretary :         Shri S.S. Mahadevaiah, GDSMD Doorvani Nagar P.O. 
                                        Bangalore East Dn. Bangalore-16 (Karnataka).
Assistant General :         Shri B.V. Rao, BPM, Chadalawada,B.O. Tenali Division, A.P.
Secretaries :                    Shri M. D. Ahiri, GDS MD Anandnagar S.O., Dhule, Maharashtra Circle.
                              :         Shri Rajendra Diwakar, GDSMC Ganj P.O. Ajmer (Rajasthan Circle).
                              :         Shri C.B. Tiwari, BPM Umapur Gaana Patti, Sultanpur Division, (U.P.)
Treasurer :                      Shri Lakwindar Pal Singh, GDSMP, Amritsar Dn. (Punjab).
Asst. Treasurer :             Shri B.M. Mansoori, BPM Gandhi Nagar, Gujarth, Circle.
Organising :                    Shri Ajay Kumar Singh, BPM,Udaygarh BO, Palamu Division 
                                         Jharkhand Circle.
Secretaries :                   Shri Dhanya Kanth Borah, BPM Dehingi Gaon B.O. Tinsukia, Assam Circle.

Advisory Committee
Shri D.N. Giri, BPM Sivani Rasalpur S.O. Nandgaon, Dist. Amravati,Dn. (Maharashtra).
Shri Narayan Chowdhary, GDSMD Golva PO, Bilaspur, Chattisgarh.
Com. Vijay Sharma BPM At; B.O. Golwa, H.O. Narnaul Gurgaon Dn. Haryana.
Com. Yog Raj Circle Secretary A.I.P.E.D.E.U. J&K Circle, At; P.O. Garhi, Udhampur, (J&K)
ComW. Ibohalbi Singh, GDS Packer, Wangoi Bazar, Imphal,   Manipur, Dn. N.E Circle,
Com. P.R. Das, Odessa Circle.

1. D. Raghu Babu, A.P.
2. Com Niyamuddin Laskar Assam,
3. ComBuljeet Singh, Biwani Hariyana,
4..Com.  Arjun Mehta, Mayurbhanj, Orissa,
5. Com. KK Sharma, Rajoury, J&K,
6. Com. Jageshwar Sahu, Ranchi, Jharkhand,

AIGDSU Constitution Amendment in 8th AIC
Amendment to the Article 38 and 39 Constitution of All India Gramin Dak Sevaks Union was approved by the AIC of AIGDSU held from 8th to 10th June, 2014 at Warangal A.P. Circle.   The following are the amendments approved unanimously.

i) Article No. 38, (A) In Second line Rs. 10/- is amended as Rs. 20/-
ii) Article 39         :       Allocation. It may be substituted as follows:
                        All India                                    -            Rs. 5.00
                        Circle                                       -            Rs.  5.00
                        Branch / Division                      -           Rs. 10.00
Article No. 39, (ii) In Second line “and / or “Federation/coordination.” Is Deleted.
Remit quota:-   You are earnestly requested to remit the quota positively to CHQ every month. We may remind you that the receipt of quota at the CHQ is not commensurate with the membership. All are requested to remit Quota to Circle @ Rs 5/- and All India @ Rs. 5/- per member.

Thus the 8th Bi-ennial conference came to grand successful end.
Hanumakonda/Warangal second largest City in Telangana State neat and clean city. The contributions of Shri T Harish Rao, Chairman, and Hon’ble Assembly affairs Minister Telangana State, Com. Yadavreddy, Working President, Reception Committee & AIRF leader, Com.D.Janardhan president Telangana Udyogula Sangam, Com. B. Venkateswarlu, General Secretary Reception committee,Com. B.N. Singh, Com. B.V. Rao, C/s & AGS Com. Koma Reddy Treasurer and their Team Reception Committee were of high value and excellent arrangement was made for peaceful conduct of the AIC.

We once again reiterate our resolve to galvanize our strength for betterment of the service conditions of the GDS employees. We are confident that we shall advance with unique support of our members in our endeavor. With your support we shall fight and march forward to create a win-win situation for the so-long exploited GDS Comrades.

                         Appeal to all GDS Comrades.
Our members are humbly requested to establish personal Contact with each and every GDS and to avoid un-democratic forces and the gimmicks and their tricks. 
       Aware, Arise, unite comrades.
      AIGDSU is the only recognized union.
      Let us say in one voice “AIGDSU ZINDABAD”

      With regards,
 Yours fraternally,

 General Secretary
Sunday, June 15, 2014

Tele-Fax: 23697701
(Central Head Quarter)
First Floor, Post Office Building, Padamnagar, Delhi 110007
President:                   M. Rajangam
General Secretary:       S.S. Mahadevaiah

No. GDS/CHQ/1/AIC/2014.               Dated: 13-06-2014

Ms. Kaveri Banerjee,
Secretary (P),
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhavan,
New Delhi – 110001

Sub.:          Resolutions on Problems - Compassionate appointment.


          A resolution adapted by the 8th All India Conference of the All India Gramin Dak Sevaks  Union held at the historic place Warangal/ Hanumakonda A.P. Circle from 8th   to 10th June, 2014.on the above subject is forwarded herewith.

          You are requested kindly to consider the views put forth in the resolution and cause to issue necessary orders accordingly.
With high regards,
 Yours faithfully 
  General Secretary

Resolutions on Problems Compassionate appointment:- – not rational:  Criteria minimum 51 points to be reduced to 30 points as in rural areas every GDS will have a hut/shelter for living, a piece of land without income.  For one or the other reason even though deserving cases do not earn required minimum points of 51 has deprived the GDS wards to get compassionate appointment.  This is totally unjust and therefore urge upon the concerned to reduce minimum points to 30 instead of the present 51. 
                                                                                                                        Tele-Fax: 23697701
(Central Head Quarter)
First Floor, Post Office Building, Padamnagar, Delhi 110007
President:                   M. Rajangam
General Secretary:       S.S. Mahadevaiah
Ref; No.GDS/CHQ/7/AIC-Resolution/2014      Dated: 13-06-2014


Ms. Kaveri Banerjee,
Secretary (P),
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhavan,
New Delhi – 110001

Sub.:          Resolutions on Problems - No loss of annual increase/increment on limited request Transfer of GDS:


          A resolution adapted by the 8th All India Conference of the All India Gramin Dak Sevaks  Union held at the historic place Warangal/ Hanumakonda A.P. Circle from 8th   to 10th June, 2014.on the above subject is forwarded herewith.
          You are requested kindly to consider the views put forth in the resolution and cause to issue necessary orders accordingly.
With high regards,
Resolutions on no loss of annual increase/increment on limited request Transfer of GDS:-The annual increase (increment) earned by GDS should not be taken away when the GDS gets transfer at request – limited request transfer.  The GDS should continue with the same TRCA with the annual increases(increments) earned by actual service, similarly as Rule 38 transfer of regular employees as the new incumbent to the post would be fixed at the minimum TRCA. 

Tele-Fax: 23697701
(Central Head Quarter)
First Floor, Post Office Building, Padamnagar, Delhi 110007
President:                   M. Rajangam
General Secretary:       S.S. Mahadevaiah
Ref; No.GDS/CHQ/8/AIC-Resolution/2014       Dated: 13-06-2014


Ms. Kaveri Banerjee,
Secretary (P),
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhavan,
New Delhi – 110001

Sub.:   Resolutions on Problems - Liberalisation of Limited Transfers.


A resolution adapted by the 8th All India Conference of the All India Gramin Dak Sevaks  Union held at the historic place Warangal/ Hanumakonda A.P. Circle from 8th   to 10th June, 2014.on the above subject is forwarded herewith.
          You are requested kindly to consider the views put forth in the resolution and cause to issue necessary orders accordingly.
With high regards,

Resolutions on Liberalisation of Limited Transfers:-  Although the present system has given relief to a few GDS, some more relaxation is felt essential as recruitment to GDS is not with the condition of local selection. Any body from any corner of the country can be appointed to the post.  This power to be delegated to PMG,DPS, Divisional heads on the basis of the requests at the level of Circle, Region and the division respectively.  As such transfer is once in one’s entire service, the interest of GDS may also be looked into for smooth public work.  The authorities should have discretionary powers in exceptional cases. 


Tele-Fax: 23697701
(Central Head Quarter)
First Floor, Post Office Building, Padamnagar, Delhi 110007
President:                   M. Rajangam
General Secretary:       S.S. Mahadevaiah
Ref; No. GDS/CHQ/5/AIC-Resolution/ 2014                                       Dated: 13-06-2014


Ms. Kaveri Banerjee,
Secretary (P),
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhavan,
New Delhi – 110001

Sub.: Resolutions on Problems - Contributory SDBS Scheme and Medical coverage.


          A resolution adapted by the 8th All India Conference of the All India Gramin Dak Sevaks  Union held at the historic place Warangal/ Hanumakonda A.P. Circle from 8th   to 10th June, 2014.on the above subject is forwarded herewith.

          You are requested kindly to consider the views put forth in the resolution and cause to issue necessary orders accordingly.
With high regards,

Resolutions on Contributory SDBS Scheme and Medical coverage:-

1.      The following demands require urgent attention and immediate settlement:-

     i.             Annual increase at par with regular employees, that is 3%

ii.            Group Insurance at par with regular employees at least minimum  Rs 500,000/-

2.       Contributory New Pension Scheme parity with SDBS Scheme to GDS and Medical coverage:-

I.       On Social Security, Pension, it is disappointing to see that no acceptance has been made for the contributory Pension Scheme although SDBS. This is a vital issue for us. Contributory pension at par with regular employees, as recommended by 6th CPC, may be granted to GDS Officials.

Monthly Service Discharge benefit(like Pension/NPS) to those not covered under SDBS:  A monthly regular income, a social security is to be assured to a section who have rendered service upto 65 years and the lump sum grant is never a scheme of Pension or NPS.  A minimum of Rs.2000/- in lieu of Severence allowance be assured to those retired/retiring from service on 1.1.2006 to 1.4.2014

II.      At least Rs. 100,000/- yearly medical coverage for serving and retired GDS employees

Tele-Fax: 23697701
(Central Head Quarter)
First Floor, Post Office Building, Padamnagar, Delhi 110007
President:                   M. Rajangam
General Secretary:       S.S. Mahadevaiah
Ref;No.GDS/CHQ/9/AIC-Resolution/2014      Dated: 13-06-2014


The Secretary,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan,
New Delhi-110001

Sub.:   Resolutions on G.D.S Problems.

          A resolution adapted by the 8th All India Conference of the All India Gramin Dak Sevaks  Union held at the historic place Warangal/ Hanumakonda A.P. Circle from 8th   to 10th June, 2014.on the above subject is forwarded herewith.
          You are requested kindly to consider the views put forth in the resolution and be kind enough to issue necessary orders accordingly.
With high regards,

Proposed Resolutions on Problems
The 8th  All India conference in session at the historic place Warangal/ Hanumakonda A.P. Circle from 8th   to 10th  June, 2014 discussed at length various burning issues concerning GDS and therefore urged unanimously for immediate settlement/improvement.  The following demands require urgent attention and immediate settlement:-

1.         Grade Pay at per with Regular Employee to GDS/        

2.          HRA and Transport allowance who are working in Metro/Urban and Semi Urban at par with regular employees and Grant GDS Children Education fee.

3.         Promotions/Leave and other benefits:-

i.              Three promotions MACP to all GDS on completion of 10th, 20th, 30th year of their services shall be granted.

ii.            CL, EL etc. like the Departmental Employees should be given to the GDS.

iii.           The period of GDS service should be counted for pension and gratuity to the promotes.

iv.          The date of superannuation of GDS should be the last working day of the month of retirement.

v.            Gratuity should be as per Gratuity Act for GDS also. The present grant of sixty thousand for both Severance amount should be the minimum, that is whichever is more.



Tele-Fax: 23697701
(Central Head Quarter)
First Floor, Post Office Building, Padamnagar, Delhi 110007
President:                   M. Rajangam
General Secretary:       S.S. Mahadevaiah
Ref; No. GDS/CHQ/6/AIC-Resolution/ 2014    Dated: 13-06-2014


The Secretary,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan,
New Delhi-110001

Sub.:   Resolutions on Problems - Grant of full trade union facilities to AIGDSUregarding.


          A resolution adapted by the 8th All India Conference of the All India Gramin Dak Sevaks  Union held at the historic place Warangal/ Hanumakonda A.P. Circle from 8th   to 10th June, 2014.on the above subject is forwarded herewith.
  You are requested kindly to consider the views put forth in the resolution and cause to issue necessary orders accordingly.
With high regards,

Resolutions on Grant of full trade union facilities to AIGDSU:-

The provision of trade union facilities is a genuine and long pending demand. At present very limited trade union facilities are available to the chief executives of AIPEDEU. Some effective mechanism should be provided to the chief executives to carry out the function of the union.
The CCS (RSA) rules 1993 have been issued by the department of personal & Training. The issues of EDAs (Recognition of Association) Rules 1995 were issued by the department of Posts, in department of the D.O.P. & T., In this connection it is not out of order to mention that the GDS (Conduct & Employment) Rules 2001 also have been issued by the Department of Posts. Several amendments/provisions have been carried out or added to these rules to meet the requirements of the situation by the department and also grant JCM/RJCM facilities to G.D.S Staff.
We therefore suggest and demand that full trade union rights and Privileges i.e., grant of Foreign service under the F.R. and S.R. to the Chief Executive be granted.
Your effective intervention and initiation will be of great value and for that the entire Gramin Dak Sevak will be thankful.


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