

Tuesday 3 September 2019

SlMail Based Products and ServicesTariff in Rs
1Post CardSingle0.5
Printed Postcard6
Meghdoot Postcard0.25
2Letter CardWeight 5 grams. No enclosures
3Letters (Maximum 2 kg)For every 20 grams or part thereof5
Embossed envelope5
4Book packetFor the first 50 grams4
For additional 50 grams or part
thereof, excess of 50 grams
5Sample and Pattern
packets (Maximum weight
2 kg)
For the first 50 grams4
For additional 50 grams or part
thereof , excess of 50 grams
6Book packet containing
Printed Books Should notcontain advertisement,should not be a periodical
For every 100 grams or part thereof.
Maximum weight 5 kg
7Book packet containing
Periodicals (Maximum 5kg)Value of Periodical uptoRs 20
For the first 100 grams2
For additional 100 grams or part
thereof, excess of 100 grams
Value of Periodical above
Rs 20 and upto Rs 50
For the first 100 grams4
For additional 100 grams or part
thereof, excess of 100 grams
Value of Periodical above
Rs 50
For the first 100 grams8
For additional 100 grams or part
thereof , excess of 100 grams
8Registered Newspapers
Single copyWeight upto 50 grams0.25
Weight above 50 grams but not
exceeding 100 grams
For every additional 100 grams or part
thereof in excess of 100 grams
More than one copy of
same issue
Weight upto 100 grams0.5
For additional 100 grams or part
thereof, excess of 100 grams
9Blind Literature Packet
(Maximum Weight 7 kg)
Postage, Registration and
acknowledgement charges are free
10ParcelUpto 500 grams19
Additional 500 grams or part thereof16
Home delivery charges for article
weighing more than 5 kgs. 10 kgs ifbooked or deliverable at BO. 20 kgs inother cases
Parcels should be presented at the counter. Should be registered, if theweight is more than 4 kgs. Redirection fee for Parcel- 50% ofordinary postage94
11Late fee for postingUnregistered article2
Registered article3
12Late fee for renewal ofNot later than the last working day of50
Annexure II-Supplementary Charges on Foreign Parcels
Sl noCategoryAmount in Rs
1Presentation to customs charges collected
by the Administration of Origin
2Presentation to Customs charge collected by
the Administration of destination (inward parcels) released after levy of customs duty
3Advice of non-delivery reply charge20
4Warehousing charges on addressee who
does not take delivery of parcel after receiptat the delivery post office (from the 8th day)
Rs. 10 per day after 7 days of
Notice subject to a maximum of
Rs. 200
5Advice of Delivery charge20
6Inquiry charge. However, if at the request of
the customer, inquiries are transmitted byTelecom/EMS charge Equivalent to the priceof the service may be collected
7Charge for a request for withdrawal from the
Post or alteration or correction of address
8Charge for delivery of a parcel free of
charges and fees to be collected on behalf ofthe administration of destination
9Charge for delivery of a parcel free of
charges and fees collected by the
Administration of Origin
10Insurance chargesSame as inland service
a.The following charges have been abolished Presentation-to-Customs charge for incoming parcels which are released free of anycustoms duty, Repacking charge, Charge for a request for delivery free of chargesand fees after a parcel has been posted
b.Charge as shown against Item No.1 is applicable to all foreign parcels except
for those destined to Nepal and Bhutan. This charge will be collected from thesender of the parcels at the time of booking alongwith the parcel postage rate.
c.Charge for advance of non-delivery in respect of outward foreign parcels as
d.With regard to charge for a request for withdrawal from the post or alteration or
correction of address at item no. 7, the appropriate telegraph charges shall beadded to this charge, if the request is sent telegraphically.
e.Charge shown against item no.8 is to be added to the presentation to customs
charge shown against item no. 2 and is to be collected as a commission from thesender in favour of administration of destination to which the parcel delivery freeof charge and fees are being sent.
f.Charge shown against item no.9 is to be collected from the sender and will be
kept as payment for the service provided by the country of origin for parcels fordelivery free of charge and fees

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